Peer Help For Anxiety & Depression

Receive listening, empathy, understanding & suggestions for improving your anxiety & depression from a 47-year-old with lived experience in overcoming anxiety, social anxiety, depression, & clinical depression.

Peer Help For Anxiety & Depression

If you could achieve any dream or dreams, what would you want to achieve?

Once your anxiety, depression, negative feelings, and thoughts are stabilised, we can work on clarifying what you want out of life – what do you really want to achieve in life?

I have access to a great proprietary web app at a discounted rate for people on the road to recovery so they can simplify your life goals, and daily tasks and help you gain clarity and focus.

Steven Doig

Who am I?

My name is Steven Doig, a sufferer of anxiety and depression for a long time.

Most of my anxiety & depression are gone now, and I work both as a website developer and as a volunteer counsellor for an online counselling website.

I’ve used a combination of cognitive behavioural therapy, medication, and personal growth to overcome my symptoms.

I’ve love to help you do the same.

If you’d like a free 15-minute initial consult via phone or internet chat to see if I am the right person to lessen your symptoms of anxiety & depression, please send a message below.

Additional peer support is available @ $30/hour, with no lock-in contracts.

Reach out for some peer help